Russian Commercial Properties
Russian retail Properties
US Commercial Properties
US Residential Properties
We have accumulated a portfolio of strong high-street properties throughout the city that we have upgraded to fully modern retail space.
Purchased vacant retail asset in 2002. Gut renovated and fully leased in 8 months
Purchased vacant retail asset in 2003. Gut renovated and fully leased in 6 months
Purchased vacant retail asset in 2002. Gut renovated; leased within 6 months

2,288.7 sqm retail site purchased in 2002 along prestigious major road renovated to European style boutique by tenant. Stabilized in 8 months.
Major “high street” retail acquisition near City Center. Gut renovated after 1999 acquisition (distressed seller after 1998 Russia Debt Crisis). Stabilized within 6 months
2003 “add-in” acquisition to
180 Prospect Mira (shown above)